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Below are some pictures sent in by Barbara Susnik of the 2001 Mandello Rally

Website Guzzisti Meeting

Marcello (Italy), Barbara
and Tomaz (Slovenia)

The most spectacular

Not-corbin seat


Centauro & Sidecar

Centauro & Sidecar

Centauro & Boxer Sidecar



Nevada in the factory

No comment!


Moto Guzzi balloon

The famous Will Creedon


My Centauro next morning

Here are a few pictures sent in by Gordon de la Mare of the 2001 Mandello Rally.

Me and my Centauro on
the top of the Gotthard

V11 with gold plated
rocker covers

The Guzzi Wind

Guzzi Powered Beer

The New EV Cali

The Original Guzzi V

Here are a couple of pictures sent in by Phil Doland of the Rally & the Milan Show.

A custom round fin
with reversed heads

A German Daytona with
the works

The new Ghetsi & Brian

Pictures may be sent to Mike Wallis at mike@centauro-owners.com
(pictures should be sent as jpegs if possible and be between 400 to 700 pixels wide)

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